These General Conditions of Sale, which can be revised at any time, apply to all orders

passed to our site DATALOGGER.LU, from the company AXOLIA SA located at 8 rue de Luxembourg – FRISANGE

registered in the Luxembourg Trade Register under the number B129036, directly on our website


Any order accepted by our company, as well as any contract entered into with it, necessarily implies

as an essential condition, the full acceptance of these general conditions which complement the

any special conditions contained in our offers, purchase orders and contracts.

The buyer acknowledges that our offers, purchase orders and contracts, as well as these general conditions,

constitute the full text of the agreement between the parties and replace or cancel any proposal and/or other

Written earlier.

These general conditions prevail over all terms, conditions of purchase (general or particular),

as well as any indication given on documents issued by the purchaser, regardless of when they are

have been addressed or brought to our knowledge.

The conditions emanating from the buyer which would be in contradiction with our own general conditions do not

so don't engage us unless they are accepted in express terms. Our agreement can never be

deduced from the circumstance that we would have agreed to deal with the buyer without contesting the stipulations of

documents issued by him.

The fact that we are not implementing one or other clause in our favour

the fact that we exceptionally agree to derogate from it, cannot be interpreted by

the buyer as a waiver on our part to take advantage of it at a later date. If one or more of the

clauses of these general conditions had to be declared null, the other provisions would remain



The buyer is bound by the terms used in the order that he passes to us (directly or through the intermediary of

of our representatives or agents). However, it does not bind us and the contract is formed only after acceptance of

this order, which comes by written confirmation from us.

Any modification of the order requested by the purchaser subsequently upon acceptance cannot be taken

in consideration only if it reaches us in writing and binds us only from the moment it is accepted

in accordance with the procedure for accepting orders.


a. Offers: All our offers are non-binding. They are valid for one month from the date of issue, except

otherwise specified in the offer.

b. Recommendations: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any recommendations we make at the time

the sale and/or delivery of our products are made, in general and therefore for information purposes, in

the most common use of the products concerned, in particular, in the light of the information

the buyer has communicated to us in writing.

In either case, these recommendations cannot involve our responsibility, and it is up to the

the buyer, as a last resort, should check the suitability of the use for which it is intended our products.

Otherwise, our company cannot bear any liability relating to direct or indirect damages which

could result from misuse of our products in a framework other than defined in the specifications

and . In this respect, late written information is treated as a lack of information.

c. Specific or inadequate use not reported: Descriptions and statements of our products,

whether they relate to their functionality, behaviour or performance, are only for the most

of these products, under normal conditions of use and climate or in

more specific conditions which have been informed by the buyer in advance and in writing.


Unless otherwise stated, our prices are always mentioned all taxes included. They are established by holding

account of the economic conditions existing on the date of publication of our offers and/or our confirmations of


Our prices are therefore likely to be revised, without notice, at the latest at the time of

order confirmation, depending on the variation (depending on our will) of the following parameters,

which alter our real costs: higher wages, higher energy prices, higher prices for energy

materials (such as plastic) or raw materials, an increase in transport costs, etc.

Where possible, any price revision and its causes shall be brought to the attention of the

the purchaser at the latest at the time of the order confirmation and, to the extent possible,

prior to such review.

The prices and information relating to our products mentioned in our catalogues, leaflets and tariffs are

for information only. We reserve the right to make any changes to it (in particular as regards

the layout, shape, size, weight, material, etc. of products) without this being possible

give rise to any claim or price reduction whatsoever.


a. Prices are calculated for equipment supplied from our facilities. Unless otherwise provided

accepted by us in express terms, the goods always travel at the risk of the customer from the

departure from our stores, even if the means of transport belong to us and even if the supply takes place

franco. Shipments by express parcel or outside Luxembourg are the responsibility of the customer as well as any

other transport, insurance, customs, special packaging, etc.

b. Unless otherwise provided in writing, our delivery times for goods and time limits for carrying out work shall not

are not imperative. No order may be unilaterally cancelled by the purchaser on account of no

compliance with the delivery or execution deadline without our company being notified and

new delivery date has been agreed in writing. No delay in delivery or execution

may justify a claim for damages. The agreed deadlines are also suspended automatically

by any event beyond our control which has the consequence of delaying delivery or execution,

for all the time this event will last.

c. In case of force majeure or accidental or unpredictable delay in deliveries or defective delivery

of our suppliers, we reserve the possibility of cancelling or suspending partially or totally

implementation of our commitments without compensation. In this case, we will inform our customer directly. The

war, mobilization, blockade, partial or total strikes, lockout, riots, epidemics, machine break, fire,

explosion, interruption in means of transport, computer problem or other accidents which

would intervene either at home or at our suppliers and which would prevent or hinder the manufacture

work or shipping are considered conventionally as a case of force majeure.

d. We reserve the right to make and invoice partial deliveries.

If the customer does not withdraw the goods or refuse to ship them after the expiry of the delivery period (that

date agreed upon at the time of confirmation of the order or later), the goods will be

stored in our facilities at its disposal, at its own expense and at its own risk. The goods to him

will be fully invoiced unless otherwise agreed in writing.


Our warranty, fixed at a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery, is strictly limited to the

goods and does not extend to the equipment in which the goods will be integrated or to the performance of

this equipment. Our obligation can only have the effect of repairing or replacing all or part of

of the goods as soon as we find by our care the failure of it. If a claim is recognized

justified our warranty is limited to that fixed by the manufacturer or the standard.

The defective parts replaced for free are made available to us and become our property again.

The guarantee is excluded:

- In the event of a defect or defect arising either from the materials supplied by the customer or from a design imposed by

this one,

- In case of damage or accident caused by transport or resulting from negligence, defect

installation, monitoring or maintenance by the customer or by a third party,

- In case of use, installation or storage of the goods under abnormal or non-abnormal conditions

conforming to our requirements or the rules of art,

- If the customer has made or has made changes, adjustments or repairs to the goods without

our express agreement,

- In the event of damage resulting from accidental, force majeure or fault of the customer or a third party.

The guarantee does not cover replacement or repair of parts which would result from normal wear and tear of the



Our company remains the owner of the products until full payment of the related invoice. So we

can exercise a right of retention on all our products not yet delivered (as well as on any goods

the client would eventually have given us for the performance of a job) until full payment of these.

During this period, the buyer also undertakes to keep the products in such a way that they may be

identified as property of our society.

The buyer is required to take all necessary measures to preserve the remaining property

ownership pursuant to this article. In case of non-payment within the conventional period, we

this retention-of-title clause will be available to us eight days after the sending of a deposit

payment, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, addressed to the buyer and remained ineffective.

The goods should then be returned to us immediately at the expense, risk and peril of the buyer who

undertakes to inform our company of the location of the products and to give them, without restriction, access

to our agents, so that they can repossess our property.

In the event of bankruptcy, judicial reorganization or seizure or any other judicial measure

on our unpaid products, the buyer will immediately notify the curator, bailiff or the

the existence of this ownership clause.


a. In all cases, the customer will provide us with the number(s) of the item(s), the note number(s)

delivery on which our entire internal traceability system is based. If not, we will

we reserve the right to refuse any claim.

b. No goods can be returned to us without prior written agreement from us. All back

will be under the sole responsibility and at the expense of the client. Any non-current goods, especially

ordered for a customer will not be taken over.

c. The customer is solely responsible for the assembly and operating capacity of the products, even if he received

recommendations during development, unless we have given him a written guarantee


d. All claims relating to errors, breaches, non-compliances, visible damage

or apparent defects must be notified in writing to the head office of our company at the latest in the

eight working days after delivery. If this period is not respected, the buyer loses the benefit of the guarantee

article 6. All claims for hidden defects or defects must be notified

in writing at the registered office of our company no later than eight days after their discovery or after the time

where the buyer should reasonably have discovered them. If this period is not respected, the buyer loses the benefit of

the guarantee stipulated in article 6. In any event, no claims relating to defects or defects

no longer may be introduced beyond the expiry of the guarantee period provided for in article 6.

e. If the claim is filed within the time limit and proves to be valid, our obligations will be limited:

errors or non-conformities: to replace goods supplied by error or non-conformity - In

missing goods: on delivery of the goods - In case of damage or defect that we are

due to: our choice, either to repair or to replacement of damaged goods or

defective in the condition of completion provided for in the contract excluding any other compensation for any cause

whatever. In no case shall we cover any direct intangible damage and/or financial loss

or indirect. The fulfilment of our obligations as listed above is subject to restitution by the

customer of goods delivered by mistake, non-compliant, damaged or defective. Our replacement

will be limited to the proportion of return. In the above cases and conditions, we shall only intervene to

the costs incurred by the customer following a prior and written agreement from us.

f. If the buyer makes improper use of our products, does not comply with the rules of art during assembly, does not

does not comply with our possible recommendations and technical instructions for mounting or

he loses the right to the guarantee provided for in article 6 of these General Conditions of Sale.

g. Upon receipt, in case of error on our part concerning the quantity or model on the basis of the order form,

we will take over or exchange the goods at our expense.


a. All payments due to us are supposed to be made at the headquarters of our company. All our

invoices are payable in cash and without discount in our account unless agreed

otherwise in writing between the parties. The terms of payment may not be delayed or modified for

any cause, even in case of dispute, claim or appeal as security. Cash receipts

in the first half of the year, the number of sales will be reduced. However, we reserve the right to demand, without further

the advance payment of all or part of the price of the consignments.

b. Deficiencies: failure to pay, whether or not partial to an invoice or trade effect at maturity, has the effect of

result that:

1. All other unliquidated, due or unmatured claims shall immediately become due ;

2. All discounts and payment facilities granted by us become obsolete ;

3. Any delay in payment shall automatically and without formal notice entail the application of interest on late payment to

the rate of 12 % per annum and the exigibility of a penal clause equal to 15 % of the amount outstanding in principal, with

a minimum of 50€.

4. We have the right, without prior notice or judicial intervention, to consider the contract(s)

in progress as fully or partially resolved to the client's wrongs or partially suspended or

full implementation.

c. Credit limitation: The amount of the invoice may be increased by a 2% lump sum which will be payable when

the payment comes to us after the due date.

d. Compensation: Compensation for debts and debts arising from mutual sales is full

right by the sole force of the law itself to the knowledge of the debtor. (C.C. articles 1289 et seq.).


Products manufactured in our factories are subject to intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks,

designs, designs, patents) and incorporate know-how that is protected. Our company is the sole owner and

the buyer undertakes to respect them and to inform us without delay of any infringement that may occur.

In particular, the buyer forbids any use of our intellectual property rights without

prior and written agreement from us. Any studies, plans and documents submitted to the purchaser shall remain

our property and are confidential. The buyer cannot use them outside our agreements

it agrees to take all appropriate measures to this end.


a. All obligations arising from our contracts are performed instead of our head office.

b. All our contracts are subject to Luxembourg law.

c. In the event of a dispute concerning the formation, interpretation or performance of our contracts, only the courts of the

the city of Luxembourg are competent to know.


Only the General Conditions of Sale in French are decisive for any interpretation of the

formulations used. Translations into English or another language are made by the seller

only so that the buyer can understand those conditions.