Electrode cap for storage MX2501

The electrode cap for storage MX2500-STORE-CAP is used for protect lpH electrode inpH recorder and temperature HOBO MX2501 and for store correct electrode in a storage solution appropriate pH (MX2500-STORE-SOLN).
In addition, the storage cap can be used for calibrations in the field.

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The electrode cap for storage MX2500-STORE-CAP is a important accessory designed to be used with the'recorder de pH HOBO MX2501.
It is used to protect'pH electrode where the instrument is unused and for store correct electrode in a storage solution appropriate pH (MX2500-STORE-SOLN).
When a pH electrode is exposed to air, it can dry out and degrade, which may result in inaccurate pH measurements.
The electrode cap for storage protects the electrode by keeping it moist and avoiding its exposure to air, this prolongs the life of the electrode and maintains its measurement accuracy.
The storage cap can also be used for calibrations on the field.
It is recommended that verification and one calibration pH electrode before each use to ensure accuracy of measurements.
Using the storage cap for transport the electrode in the field, it is easy to prepare the electrode and perform calibration at the site of use.

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Manual of the pH and temperature recorder HOBO® MX (MX2501)

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