Storage solution for MX2501 electrode (475 mL)
The storage solution for electrodes MX2500-STORE-SOLN of a capacity of 475 mL is essential to ensure storage and storage of the'pH electrode used with'recorder data pH and temperature HOBO MX2501, to obtain pH measurements specific and reliable.
The purpose of the storage solution is to maintain the hydrated gel which is an integral part of accurate pH readings.
The MX2501 electrode storage solution is a special solution designed for store and properly condition the'pH electrode used with pH and temperature recorder HOBO MX2501.
This solution allows to maintain the quality of the electrode and extend its life.
When the pH electrode is not used, it can deteriorate rapidly if not properly stored.
The storage solution mX2501 electrodes was formulated to prevent the deterioration of the electrode maintaining optimal pH and humidity in the storage environment.
It also contains microbial growth inhibitors to avoid bacterial or fungal contamination.
When it is time to use the electrode, the MX2500 electrode storage solution must be rinsed of the electrode before measurement, as the presence of the solution on the electrode may affect the results of pH measurement.
This electrode storage solution is usually supplied with the mX2500-MAINT-KIT maintenance kit, which also includes calibration kit for the pH recorder HOBO MX2501.
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