Calibration kit MX2501 (Bechers and solutions pH 4,7,10)
The Calibration kit MX2501 is a set of solutions and beakers specially designed for calibrate the'pH and temperature data recorder MX2501.
The kit includes three buffer solutions pH 4.0 1, pH 7.00, pH 10.01 in bottles of 475 ml and two vials of 120ml, calibration beakers, the kit is ideal for calibrate the data recorder and ensure that pH measurements are specific and reliable.
The Calibration Kit MX2500-CAL-KIT is a set of solutions and beakers specially designed for calibrate pH and temperature data recorder MX2501.
When using a pH and temperature data recorder, it is important to ensure that pH measurements are specific.
In order to do this, the instrument must be regularly calibrated using pH buffer solutions known.
The calibration kit MX2501 includes three pH to pH buffer solutions 4,01, 7,0 and 10,01, these solutions are liquids whose pH is known and stable, which allows the data recorder to be calibrated according to these known values.
The buffer solutions are supplied in bottles of 475 ml.
The kit also includes two calibration beakers MX2500-CAL-BKR of a capacity of 120 ml each.
Beakers are used to prepare buffer solutions and perform pH measurements.
Using the MX2501 calibration kit to calibrate the pH and temperature data recorder MX2501, it is possible to ensure that pH measurements are accurate and reliable.
This is particularly important in the areas of scientific, medical, food and environment, where precise pH measurements are essential.
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