Smart S-LIB-M003 solar radiation sensor
The sensor de solar radiation smart HOBO S-LIB-M003 is one silicon pyranometer high quality that enables effective measurement of light levels.
The sensor uses a photovoltaic cell silicon to measure the amount of solar radiation incident.
The cell converts the'light energy en electrical energy, which is then measured by the'data recorder HOBO.
It is generally used in weather station photovoltaic solar installations climate studies, studies of the crop productivity and in other applications where the precise measurement of solar radiation incident is important.
It is compatible with the data recorders family H21, H22 and U30.
The pyranometer sensor HOBO S-LIB-M003 is a pyranometer at silicon high quality.
It is designed to be used with data recorders HOBO for measuring solar radiation global incident in environmental applications and weather.
The sensor uses a photovoltaic cell silicon to measure the amount of solar radiation incident.
The cell converts the'light energy en electrical energy, which is then measured by the'hOBO data recorder.
The sensor is sensitive to a wide range of wavelengths and is calibrated to provide a spectral response appropriate for measurements of global solar radiation.
Son deployment is fast, without programming or complicated configuration required.
This sensor offers a measurement range of 0 to 1280 W/m2 on a spectral range of 300 to 1100 nm.
One average mode measures are available.
The HOBO S-LIB-M003 is generally used in weather station photovoltaic solar installations climate studies crop productivity studies and in other applications where precise measurement of incident solar radiation is important.
Sensor characteristics:
- Measuring range from 0 to 1280 W/m2 on a spectral range from 300 to 1100 nm
- Smart sensor ready for use
- Compatible with H21, H22 and U30 family recorders
Sensor Features:
- Measuring range: 0 to 1280 W/m 2
- Operating temperature range: -40° to 75°C (-40° to 167°F)
- Accuracy:
±10 W/m2 or ±5 per cent, whichever is higher in full sun.
- Additional temperature-induced error: ±0.38 W/m 2 /°C from 25°C (0.21 W/m 2 /°F from 77°F)
- Resolution : 1.25 W/m 2Derive : - Spectrum range : 300 to 1100 nm
- Cosine response error: ±5%, 0° to 70°, ±10%, 70° to 80° of vertical
- Azimuth error: ±2% error at 45° of vertical, 360° rotation
- Calibration: factory recalibration available
- Case: anodized aluminium case with acrylic diffuser and O-ring
- Dimensions: 4.1 cm high x 3.2 cm diameter (1 5/8" x 1 1/4")
- Approximate weight: 120 g (4 oz)
- Cable length: 3 m (9.8 feet)
- Smart sensor network cable length: 3 m
- Measurement parameters: mean on the recording interval, sampling interval defined by the user from 1 second
Note: recommended light sensor support (M-LBA) and light sensor level (M-LLA)
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